Click here to make a Donation to the Flaget Alumni Association
With Christmas approaching an excellent gift for that Flaget grad or
friend would be a Flaget Alumni Association membership
Click this link for information on how to become a member
1947 Flaget 0 vs St Xavier 14 Game Program
Click the Flaget Miscellaneous Link above then click on Flaget Courier Articles
Recently Added
Courier Journals Articles have been added
Courier-Journal Article
October 1st & 2nd 1960
Click on the article to enlarge the article
Every few weeks I will post 3 different pictures of
the teachers who helped make us what we are today
Smoke Signals Article:
Pictures of past Flaget Luncheons
Click on the Miscellaneous menu above then click on Past Flaget Luncheons
November No Speaker
December 14th Luncheon
No Speaker
Christmas Party
Flaget Pep Song
O the Flaget Braves are hard to beat!
They’re one hundred per from head to feet.
They’ve got that smile, that style, that winning way.
No matter where you go, you’ll recognize that smile and say.
Now there’s a team I’d like to know;
They’ve got that good old Flaget pep and go,
For just to look at them is quite a treat, hard to beat,
The Flaget Braves!
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Flaget Alumni Association is to promote Christian fellowship with its members as follows:
● By sustaining the friendships developed while attending our beloved Flaget High School.
● By sustaining the unique spirit bestowed upon all who were a part of Flaget High School.
● By developing educational and charitable grants to memorialize the spirit and memory
of Flaget High School so its spirit may be passed on to the generations of the future.
● By supporting the ministry of the Xaverian Brothers to honor and celebrate their
commitment to education and the poor and our communion with the Brothers.
This webpage was last updated November 09, 2022
Page Count Since January 1, 2025: 9 |